A highlight of the contemporary art calendar,
Art Basel Hong Kong draws international crowds to Asia-Pacific for four days showcasing the breadth and diversity of galleries resident in the region alongside global artistic perspectives. This year, 240 world-class galleries from 42 countries will be present in a staggering display across the vast spaces of the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention centre.
With familiar sectors to Basel’s other fairs, beyond the main gallery section, Discoveries is where you’ll find newly commissioned works, shown for the first time at the fair: including Thai artist, Tanat Teeradakorn – shown in London last year at Gasworks – who creates audio collages, textile works, performance and video to transform Thai history into stories and songs of resistance. We can’t wait to see his new work at Bangkok CityCity Gallery’s booth.
Elsewhere, the fair offers large-scale projects at Encounters, always awe-inspiring and crowd-pleasing: the line-up this year features Pacita Abad and Pio Abad, Jon Rafman and Liam Gillick. Of course, the whole of the city will be activated with events, shows and screenings too, and beyond the fair galleries and institutions are hosting a special programme, with artists talks and discussions, with topics ranging from what is driving Chinese collectors today to exhibitions on ritual, trauma and allegory.