Above Arthur Timothy, GENESIS, 2022, 190cm x 190cm, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957
Above Arthur Timothy, THE DESCENDANTS (CHARLOTTE VILLAGE), 2022, 101.6cm x 101.6, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957
Above Arthur Timothy, ROGBONKO, 2022, 190cm x 190cm, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957
Above Arthur Timothy, THE GARDENER’S GIFT, 190cm x 190cm, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957
Above Arthur Timothy, THE WAY OF THE CROSS, 2022, 190cm x 190cm, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957
Above Arthur Timothy, triptych, ISABELLA’S HEAD START (LAKKA), 190cm x 190cm, Courtesy of the artist and Gallery 1957