The Wick List

Viewing Hiroshi Sugimoto at the Hayward Gallery

Over the last 50 years, the Japanese artist Hiroshi Sugimoto has stubbornly resisted the rise of digital technology, instead pushing the craft of analogue photography to the max – with radical results. Sugimoto often uses a large-format wooden camera, mixing his own darkroom chemicals and developing his black-and-white prints by hand. The quality of his work has to be admired in person – no insta snap will do.

The artist collapses time and stretches space in his work, making the Hayward Gallery’s survey show a mesmerising journey. It includes seminal pieces such as Theaters (1976 – ), a series shot in movie palaces and drive-ins, in which he captures entire films with a single long exposure, rendering all the dramatic action into one image of radiant whiteness. Also shown is Architecture (1997 -), his out-of-focus studies of iconic modernist buildings around the world, in which all their detail is blurred out, leaving behind just their ghostly silhouettes. Sugimoto shakes up both our understanding of the medium, and how we look at the world around us.

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11 October 2023 — 07 January 2024
The Wick Culture - Matt Small, Three Lions (detail), 2024
The Wick List

Viewing Pride of England at Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery

The Wick Culture - Pamela Colman Smith, The Hierophant card from Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (1909). Courtesy The College of Psychic Studies.
The Wick List

Viewing Tarot – Origins and Afterlives at Warburg Institute

The Wick Culture - Patrizio di Massimo, Who is Afraid of Meredith Frampton, 2025.
Courtesy Alison Jacques © Patrizio di Massimo
The Wick List

Viewing Last Night I Dreamt of Manderley at Alison Jacques

The Wick Culture - Tarsila do Amaral, Lake, 1928. Photo by Jaime Acioli.
The Wick List

Viewing Brasil! Brasil! The Birth of Modernism at Royal Academy of Arts

The Wick Culture - Patrick Martinez, Feathered Serpent Immersed in Flowers, 2024. Courtesy of the artist and Timothy Taylor.
The Wick List

Viewing California at Timothy Taylor

The Wick Culture - Unearthed - Mycelium by Jo Pearl. Photo by Elsa Pearl.
The Wick List

Viewing SOIL: The World At Our Feet at Somerset House