The Wick List

Making Space: Langlands & Bell This is Apt

Continuing their Making Space art programme, Apt Architects presents A MUSE UM, by the collaborative artist duo, Langlands & Bell. Making Space is curated by Jonathan Watkins, and this second show follows on from an exhibition of eleven works by Richard Deacon.

Langlands & Bell have worked together since they met at art school in the late 1970s, and are known for exploring the coded systems of communication that impact our relationships. A MUSE UM is concerned with something close to the pair’s personal experiences in the art world: the nature of collecting and the presentation of art.

Through digital prints, computer animation and sculpture, the show Apt dissects the ways in which art museums brand themselves, exposing certain formulas that reveal more about the mindset of institutions and how they shape our responses to gallery and museum settings. A riveting and timely topic – be sure to make an appointment to view.

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21 June 2024 — 29 September 2024
The Wick - Ekow Eshun, The Stranger
The Wick List

Viewing Ekow Eshun: The Strangers at The Ritzy

The Wick - Olaolu Slawn, ‘Hot Head’ 2024, Acrylic, Ink, Spray paint, 170 x 200cm
The Wick List

Viewing Olaolu Slawn: I present to you, Slawn at Saatchi Yates

The Wick - Erik Madigan Heck
Red Moonlight, 2022
The Wick List

Viewing Erik Madigan Heck: The Tapestry at Sotheby's

The Wick - Phyllida Barlow 
PRANK: mimic; 2022/23
Steel, fibreglass, lacquer
457.2 x 411.5 x 325.1 cm / 180 x 162 x 128 in
Installation view, ‘Phyllida Barlow. unscripted’, Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 2024
© Phyllida Barlow Estate. Courtesy Phyllida Barlow Estate and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Ken Adlard
The Wick List

Viewing Phyllida Barlow Unscripted at Hauser & Wirth Somerset

The Wick - Donna Huddleston
Gentleman Caller
Acrylic on linen
© The artist. Photo © White Cube (Eva Herzog)
The Wick List

Viewing Donna Huddleston: Company at White Cube Mason’s Yard

The Wick - Unlimited Festival, Southbank Centre. Photography by Chris Parkes
The Wick List

Viewing Unlimited Festival 2024 at Southbank Centre