The Wick List
Viewing Peter Doig

Above Peter Doig (born 1959) ALPINIST, 2019–22, Pigment on linen, Private Collection

Above Peter Doig (born 1959) MUSIC (2 TREES) 2019, Pigment on linen, Private collection

Above Peter Doig (born 1959) NIGHT STUDIO (STUDIOFILM & RACQUET CLUB) 2015, Oil paint on canvas, Private collection

Above Peter Doig (born 1959)
NIGHT BATHERS, 2011–19, Pigment on linen, Private collection

Above Peter Doig (born 1959)
PAINTING ON AN ISLAND (CARRERA) 2019, Oil paint on linen, Pinault Collection
Peter Doig
The Courtauld
10 February – 29 May 2023