Dualities in Monochrome marks a comeback for celebrated photographer and filmmaker Simon Frederick who has been absent from the art world for 12 years as he has focused on broadcasting and television – with projects such as the documentary series
Black is the New Black and his role as a judge on the Sky Arts series
Master of Photography. The acclaimed artist has photographed everyone from Naomi Campbell, Sir Trevor McDonald and Thandie Newton to musician Jazzie B and footballer Les Ferdinand in his career to date.
Dualities in Monochrome at Leica Gallery gives the sense of a ceaseless creative vision – stunning portraits of the striking form of actor and muse, Welket Bungué. Shot, as the title suggests, exclusively on black and white, Bungué inhabits a series of expressive poses, from majestic to tender. Sculptural in effect, the images pay homage to the magnificence of Bungué’s physique, offering a multitude of perspectives that evoke, strength and vulnerability – but they also transcend the realm of the personal, a rallying cry for looking at bodies with greater compassion, kindness and nuance. Frederick’s much-needed voice makes a welcome return.