The Wick List

Viewing Unlimited Festival 2024 at Southbank Centre

Unlimited Festival – founded in 2013 – is a multi-artform, perspective-shifting festival showcasing outstanding dance, performance, comedy, music, poetry and visual art by disabled artists. The packed four day programme taking place at the Southbank Centre includes a free exhibition of a new commission for Unlimited by photographer Suzie Larke. Larke spent three years making the work in collaboration with individuals and mental well being groups. Larke says of the project: ‘The essence of belonging is like the invisible thread that weaves through the fabric of our mental wellbeing. It’s not just a fleeting desire or a passing fancy; it’s a fundamental need within us. When we feel connected, valued, and accepted by others, it nourishes our sense of self-worth and contributes significantly to our overall happiness.’

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04 September 2024 — 08 September 2024

The Wick - Ekow Eshun, The Stranger
The Wick List

Viewing Ekow Eshun: The Strangers at The Ritzy

The Wick - Olaolu Slawn, ‘Hot Head’ 2024, Acrylic, Ink, Spray paint, 170 x 200cm
The Wick List

Viewing Olaolu Slawn: I present to you, Slawn at Saatchi Yates

The Wick - Erik Madigan Heck
Red Moonlight, 2022
The Wick List

Viewing Erik Madigan Heck: The Tapestry at Sotheby's

The Wick - Leila Lallali by Jeannine Unsen

Spotlight artist Leila Lallali

The Wick - Lina Iris Viktor
Constellations VIII, 2019-20
Pure 24 carat gold, acrylic, varnish on matt canvas
Dream & Discover

Dream Constellations VIII, 2019-20 by Lina Iris Viktor

The Wick - Viewing Unlimited Festival 2024 at Southbank Centre
Monday Muse

Interview Fashion entrepreneur Maria Kastani