Dream & Discover

The Wick - © 2016 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Discover Panel 58 from Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series

Panel 58 from Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series

Between 1910 and 1970, more than six million African Americans moved from the rural South to the cities of the North, West and Midwest, chief among them Chicago, New York and St. Louis. This mass exodus, known as the Great Migration, dramatically altered the nation’s profile. In 1941, the American painter Jacob Lawrence charted this demographic shift in his Migration Series, comprising 60 small tempera paintings. Titled In the North the Negro had better educational facilities, panel 58 depicts three girls in bright dresses writing numbers on a large chalkboard. This picture of children learning in the North contrasts sharply with Lawrence’s depiction of childhood labour in the South. In panel 24, for instance, he shows four bare-chested children working in cotton fields under the sun.

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The Wick - Phyllida Barlow 
PRANK: mimic; 2022/23
Steel, fibreglass, lacquer
457.2 x 411.5 x 325.1 cm / 180 x 162 x 128 in
Installation view, ‘Phyllida Barlow. unscripted’, Hauser & Wirth Somerset, 2024
© Phyllida Barlow Estate. Courtesy Phyllida Barlow Estate and Hauser & Wirth
Photo: Ken Adlard
The Wick List

Viewing Phyllida Barlow Unscripted at Hauser & Wirth Somerset

The Wick - Donna Huddleston
Gentleman Caller
Acrylic on linen
© The artist. Photo © White Cube (Eva Herzog)
The Wick List

Viewing Donna Huddleston: Company at White Cube Mason’s Yard

The Wick - Unlimited Festival, Southbank Centre. Photography by Chris Parkes
The Wick List

Viewing Unlimited Festival 2024 at Southbank Centre

The Wick - Artist Kate Lyddon in studio.

Spotlight artist Kate Lyddon

The Wick - Tim A Shaw, Founder of Hospital Rooms, and Katy Wickremesinghe, Founder of The Wick
Video Interviews

Interview The Wick x Hospital Rooms | Digital Art School, Hauser & Wirth

Visual Arts
The Wick - Andy Warhol, John Palmer
Empire, 1964
Courtesy of MoMA.
Dream & Discover

Empire, (1964) by Andy Warhol