Our top picks of exhibitions together with cultural spaces and places, both online and in the real world.

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Thought-provoking contemporary artists Davinia-Ann Robinson and Natalia Gonzalez Martin are the subject of a new show at Quench Gallery in Margate. This brilliant not-for-profit venture offers emerging artists and curators the space and opportunity to develop new work and stage exhibitions. Which in the current climate is more of a lifeline than ever!

The works on display explore the paradoxes of soul and the capacity to ‘continue to exist through time but also to endure’ in the face of hardship. Drawing inspiration from icon paintings, Gonzalez investigates the impact of cultural and religious heritage on the physical body and moral codes; while Robinson examines how ‘presencing, fugitivity and tactility undo colonial and imperial frameworks through which nature and Bodies of Colour are articulated.’

The ideas are complex, but the resulting work is engrossing. Jump on a train — if you feel safe and comfortable doing so — for this small but tightly-curated exhibition packs a punch.

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17 April 2021 — 02 May 2021
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Viewing Damien Hirst at YSP

Of all the works created by British artist Damien Hirst, it is perhaps his sculptures that are most controversial. In recent years he’s made global headlines with explosive works such as Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable and The Miraculous Journey, a series of sculptures charting the cycle from conception to birth which he installed outside a women’s hospital in Doha in 2018.

Currently on display at Yorkshire Sculpture Park are four of Hirst’s most recognizable giant bronzes, among them Myth (2010), a white unicorn with half of its skin flayed. Elsewhere, near the Lower Lake, stands The Virgin Mother (2005-2006), a 33-ft-tall statue which shows a foetus curled within the womb.

What strikes here is the harmony between work and environment: ‘The giant bronze sculptures at YSP are where they belong,’ says Hirst. ‘They’re just made for that setting.’ We couldn’t agree more.

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13 April 2019 — 13 April 2022
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Viewing Gilbert & George: New Normal Pictures

For more than 50 years, the dapper-suited artistic double act Gilbert & George (Gilbert Prousch and George Passmore) have tackled thorny issues ranging from life and death to fear, sex and religion, in their multi-disciplinary work.

In lockdown they completed a new series of tragicomic photoworks, The New Normal Pictures, using images taken just before the pandemic. Twenty-six of these are currently installed in a new show at White Cube Mason’s Yard. Described by the artists as ‘celebratory, crazed and super-modern’, they deal with all of the subjects ‘that lie inside everyone wherever they are on the planet,’ explains George. ‘They deal with the past, present and the future.’

They show the artists looking dazed and flattened — even suffering — against chaotic London cityscapes: litter, railings, drug bags, shovels and old trinkets found on their walks through the capital their only companions. These brightly coloured works are grotesque and haunting yet utterly absorbing — and paint a disquieting portrait of these disorientating times.

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02 March 2021 — 08 May 2021
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The Wick - David Bailey, Mary McCartney and Brandei Estes at Claridge's ArtSpace

Happenings 'DOUBLE EXPOSURE: David Bailey & Mary McCartney' at Claridge's ArtSpace

The Wick - David Bailey, Mary McCartney and Brandei Estes at Claridge's ArtSpace

Happenings 'DOUBLE EXPOSURE: David Bailey & Mary McCartney' at Claridge's ArtSpace

The Wick - Courts and Fields 4 ©Ishkar
Objects of Desire

Object Courts and Fields 4 rug, by Christopher Le Brun

The Wick - Viewing Gilbert & George: New Normal Pictures
Dream & Discover

Discover Roy Lichtenstein, Paper Shopping Bag

The Wick - Gianna Dispenza (Puiyee Won)

Feature Gianna Dispenza explores the female sitter

Visual Arts
The Wick - Half-Pint T-Shirt, Script x Charming Baker
Objects of Desire

Fashion Half-Pint T-shirt, Charming Baker x Script collaboration

Design, Fashion, Visual Arts