Above Ana Lazaro (San Francisco, California, United States)
Jane Goodall
Acrylic paint on wood

Above Danamarie Hosler (Baltimore, Maryland, United
Digital illustration

Above Diana Elizabeth Meerovich (Plymouth, Minnesota,
United States)
Hello, Friend!
Composite photography

Above Hannah Grace Wiebe (Wichita, Kansas, United States)
Mother Nature

Above Julia Vann (Martinez, California, United States)
Oil paint on canvas

Above Mr. Sant H. Godinez (Chino, California, United States)
Our Planet, Theirs Too

Above Ron Kubala III (Texas, United States)
Message of the Bottles
Mixed Medium/Photography and Digital

Above Shannen McDermott (New York, New York, United
We’re Walking Here
Acrylic on canvas

Above Tanya Marriott (Wellington, New Zealand)
The Kākāpō Collector
3D printed resin, laser cut felt, and acrylic paint

Above Veronica Kosowski (Salinas, California, United States)
Have You Seen Others Like Me?
Digital painting